Sunday, July 26, 2009

Holy Cow!

Got Milk? Joey sure does. I think I set a new pumping record this moring... 18 ounces in 45 minutes of pumping. Usually my 30 to 60 minute pumping sessions yield about 12 to 16 ounces of milk. While breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world... pumping is not. I feel like such a dairy cow when I pump. Since Joey never really took to breast feeding, however, and I wanted him to have breast milk, I have been pumping since he was born. At first I pumped every 2-4 hours. Then it was every six hours. I am now down to every eight hours (3 times a day). I have been producing so much milk that we had to buy a freezer for it all that we keep in the garage. Now that it is just about full I am contemplating stopping (in about a month) and Joey ought to have enough breastmilk for another 3-4 months. It has been so difficult working full time, taking care of a baby and finding the approximate three hours a day to pump. It will be so nice to have that three hours back to spend playing with Joey instead.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. You pump for an hour???? That is insane. I can not take it for longer than 10 min. 15 tops. Props to you for being so dedicated to a baby who does not nurse! Breastmilk is liquid gold!!! Good job momma
